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Find out how easy it is in Theme Xpert to manage your color settings in less than 1 minute!

Jalal avatar
Written by Jalal
Updated over a year ago

Colors, maybe one of the important settings! The Colors settings contain the settings for all your colors across your webshop, you can also set your color schemes here!

To edit your Colors settings you'll have to navigate to the settings.
Click on the 'Theme settings' in the left sidebar, its indicated with the following icon:

When clicked, on the right sidebar your theme settings will open:

Now click on 'Colors', the following settings will open:

Color scheme

What is more easy than having a color scheme? Simply set the colors here and select your preferred color for the sections. You can even set some pretty gradients! Gradient Light will contain black text, Gradient dark will contain white text.


Heading color:
What color do you want your heading text's to be. This setting will require you to choose one of your color schemes.

Heading color:
What color do you want your body text's to be. This setting will require you to choose one of your color schemes.

Background color:
What background color do you want for your webpage?

What color do you want your positive messages to be? For example the check USPs.

What color do you want your negative messages to be? For example the cross USPs.


Regular button:
Set the (background) color of the regular buttons. The regular buttons are the buttons that will show on your banners.

Regular button label:
Set the colors of the text within the regular buttons.

Buy button:
Set the (background) color of the buy buttons.

Buy button label:
Set the colors of the text within the regular buttons.

Dynamic buy button:
Set the (background) color of the dynamic buy buttons.
The dynamic buy buttons are added by Shopify, on basis of the payment methods that your customer uses frequently. With the dynamic buttons your customers will redirect directly to the payment method. (Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc)

Dynamic buy button label:
Set the colors of the text within the regular buttons.

Checkout button color scheme:
Using this option you can change the checkout button color to make it stand out on your store.

Menu and drawers:
As the information say this is the color scheme of your menu's and drawers.

Active tabs:
The color scheme for active tabs on the product page and in the "content tabs" section is as follows.

Product prices

Set the color of the prices here. This will be the default color of your prices.

When a product is on sale, the old price will show in red, the new price will show in the color setting you've set in 'Price'

Product label

You can set labels for your products, you can find more information about that here

Set the background color for the default custom labels.

Label text:
Set the colors of the text for the custom labels.

Sale label background:
Set the background color for the sale labels.

Sale label text:
Set the colors of the text for the sale labels.

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